Sunday 12 February 2012

Article 3 : “The Jews and Their Deceits” by Adolf Hitler

A very good day to those of you anonymous boys and girls that are reading my articles. This will be my third entry for this month and i have choosen the article entitled “The Jews and Their Deceits” written by Adolf Hitler.

            Most probably most of you who are reading this particular entry already knew who Adolf Hitler was, aren you not? Regardless whether you already knew him or not, i will just give some brief background explaination on this remarkable Adolf Hitler guy. He was born on 20th April 1889 at Braunau am Inn, Austria, Hungry and died on 30 April 1945 (aged 56) in Germany. The cause of his death was suicide. He shot himself with his 7.65 mm Walther PPK pistol (cited from because he was defeated and the Soviet troops were coming after him. He was a politician and the leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party (German:Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei(NSDAP), commonly referred to as the Nazi Party). He was also a chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945, and dictator of Nazi Germany (as Führer und Reichskanzler) from 1934 to 1945.

            What is so interesting about him actually? He is the most powerful dictator in the 20th century. Equivalent to that, i am going to analyse and comment on his article “The Jews and Their Deceits”. The article is an excerpt from the famous Nazi’s sacrosanct texts which is called Mein Kampf or My Struggle that was published around the year 1925. This particular article is an autobiography that contains many of Hitler’s groundbreaking basic ideas. In this article also depicts the hatred of Adolf Hitler towards the Jews and how the Jews were able to adulterate the mind of Spain and German people with the Jews agendas.

            In this particular article – The Jews and Their Decents, Hitler tried to explain the deception, manipulation and fraud of the Jews in order to reestablish trust among the public and politician. They (the Jews) came up with the propaganda that every religions has their right to live among the society and not even one deserved to be exterminated or being cease to exist from the face of the earth. As we all well known, Jews are good in manipulating, deceive and frauding us. This can simply be seen when we are using the US dolar instead of gold dinar to buy oil or anything else on the global market. The gold dinar actually has been publicized since 1996, and to be much more precise it is been introduced on the year 2000 by Saddam Hussein and then Muammar Gaddafi continued the idea of introducing the gold dinar – a true sharing of the wealth instead of US dolar that can be created (printed) over and over again and being at risk of depreciation.

            In my opinion, the Jews have fooled people around the globe far too long. In respond to the Jews action, few man stood up against the Jews and they are Saddam Hussein of Iraq and Muammar Gaddafi of Libya by introducing Euros currency and the gold dinar. However, these distinguished leader that intended to make a revolution move by repricing their oil in the global market and accept gold dinar as a currency instead of US dolar is not welcome by the people who is in charge and responsible of world central bank because the world central bank are using US dollars as currency and the world central bank are also being controlled by the Jews. This is a prove whereby the Jews have actually achieved high status in the government and finally able to control the administration by themselves, as stated by Hitler in his article, “The Jews and Their Decents”.  Thus, making this a threat to the Jews and the Jews are taking action by putting Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi into an immediate dismissal from their throne by the means of killing them. The Jews also do not want to change the currency in global market into gold dinar are also because it will bring serious consequences to the world financial system which will then put them (the Jews) no longer in power of the global market

           In the article also reveals that the Jews are being regarded as a role model of an intellectual people. What others did not know is the Jews are the one who is an imposter. This is because the Jews uses the German’s ingenuity by making the world believe that all the ideas are based on the Jews knowledge and wisdom alone. In equivelent to that, all the credits will be given to the Jews itself without the society realize the deceits.

            Therefore, it is not surprising why Hitler are having so much hatred towards the Jews. No wonder he uses brutality to wipe out the Jews. The article are also suitable for public so that the public would know the Jew’s appaling sides. The public will realize how the Jews have manipulated their mind, to believe the Jew’s every lies. In a nut shell, what Hitler has done towards the Jews previously are compatible to what the Jew’s have done in the past, present and in the coming future.

Article 2 : “Men and Women are Merely Players” by Robert Greene

Power At Work
Robert Greene with his new book, The 50th Law
This will be my second entry and i will be discussing and comments on the article called “Men and Women are Merely Players” written by Robert Greene. The article “Men and Women are Merely Players” is an excerpt from the book, “48 Laws of Power” and it also examine the effects of long lasting feeling /belief towards the norms and values.

The article propose that if a person do follows the value and norms it can make the person to be tortured and isolated from the society and therefore preventing them from acquiring any status and power. Therefore the article suggests that in order for one to obtain success, work positions, gain control of power and status in his or her life in a much more easier ways, one should not play by the rules / break the laws in order to obtain goals. Hence, the article suggest that many corrupted person are given the highest position in their workplace due to their mischief and lie their way into the highest position available in their workplace and vice versa whereby people who work hard to achieve their goals and following the rules often being stepped down and being push by other peoples. In addition, it seems like it is a must for one not to follow the norms and values as it will hinder one from achieving success.

After reading this particular article, the idea of an old proverb, , “rules were made to be broken” came across my mind and starting to came to my logic that the old proverb is actually true and are applied by several of dictators before this such as Machiavelli and Napoleon. Machiavelli is a person who is good in hiding his true form by pretending to be innocent to other people but the facts is that he is a mischievous person who will do anything to gain anything in his life. While the French Emperor, Napoleon Bonaparte is known to be a cruel political leader. This can be seen when Napoleon willingly sacrificed half a million of his men when he invaded Russia in winter for his own agendas instead of the importance of the french people. Unfortunately for him, it resulted in his own demise. Even so, he manage to achieve great success against all his enemies except Britain who is navigated under Nelson. The article reflects those who are not fix to the rules will achieve greater success as been shown by Napoleon.

The same principle still can be seen within politicians where they use dirty tactics to obtain power in the government and this resulted in the whole organizations to embrace the effects of the problems such as bribery and backstabbing of members. In this article also stated that children are capable of decepting adults by make an act of purity and blamelessness to gain power in adult world and this is actully true. I always came across a moment where i were being asked by my mother to help feeds my younger sister. Here we can see that my younger sister are actually can and will use her available means by manipulating and decepting me to make priority to the things that she wants. In a nutshell, as stated in the excerpt, “those who make a show or display of innocence are the least innocent of all”.

Article 1 : “The Degree of Happiness” by Betrand Russell ; A New Order?

     Let’s kick start the discussion with an article called “The Degree of Happiness” written by Betrand Russell.  Who is this Betrand Russell actually? Let’s get a brief introduction about this awesome dude. The name is Betrand Russell; was a British philosopher, mathematician, logician, historian, a social critic and also a Nobel laureate, whose emphasis on rational analysis influenced the course of 20th century thinking. He was born in Trelleck, Wales, on May 18, 1872. He was educated at Trinity College, University of Cambridge. “The Degree of Happiness” is actually an excerpt from his own book entitled “The Conquest of Happiness”. What we are going to do is examine his article and try to understand his theory.

What I can came out with Betrand Russell’s piece of writing – The Degree of Happiness, is that it is a careful examination by him towards the different level of happiness attain by humankind throughout life. This can be seen when Betrand Russell explained that by happiness can be differentiates or divided them into two types;
1)    Open to any human being
2)    Only to those who can read or write.

For the happiness that opens to any human being, he uses his own childhood experience for example. This can be seen when he said he knew a man who is bursting with happiness whose business was only digging wells. The man was of enormous heights and of incredible muscles but could neither read nor write. The man was then got a vote for parliament and the man is unhappy with it because he is not capable of handling and overcoming the obstacle / problem of the parliament as he is not able to neither read nor write. Here we can see that the man’s happiness did not depend on intellectual sources but rather based on physical vigour. Hence, happiness is acquired only when the capability to work and neutralise any concrete, solid shape of unbeatable obstacles. Here Bertrand Russell also tries to conclude that happiness did not depend on intellectual sources, laws, fashion and belief, but it also depends on physical vitality. He also did compare the happiness of his gardener who was destroying rabbits to a policeman trying to deal with criminals which gives great pleasure to his gardener.

 I think the same principle is still applied to the situation where a footballer who manages to score goals for his team is similar to the above situation. If a  football player manage to contribute to his team by scoring goals for his team, the player would be extremely happy which means one’s happiness could be the other’s misery and vice versa.

Meanwhile, Betrand Russell also stated that the happiness that is only to those who can read or write are emotionally simple and are obtainable from their work – a satisfaction that is so great, felt and experienced very strongly that they can derive pleasure from eating and even marrying ; the men of science or scientists. It is quite astonishing on how merely the men of science capable of achieving happiness only from the satisfaction of their work instead of marrying, spend some quality time with their family, et cetera.

The scientists have an activity which he make use of his abilities to the fullest and he gain results which seem to be important not only to himself but to the general public as well. Well i think that is the main reason why scientists should be extremely happy. We could not curb their natural exuberance because it is already in their blood, it is their nature to behave so.

Nevertheless, artists and literary man are also can be considered in the same page, only that the arts, poems and pictures produced by the artists and literary  have their own creativity, semantics and values which some people cannot understand and making it hard for the artists and poetry to achieve happiness for their happiness is only achieve only if the general public can understand their masterpiece. Therefore i agreed that the happiest man describe in Betrand Russell’s the Degree of Happiness article is the scientist. 

From the sentence in the article, degree of happiness, “consequently Einstein is happy while the best painters starve in the gutter”, we can also conclude that the scientists are emotionally simple and acquire from their work some sort of fulfilment so considerate that they consequently able to gain happiness from daily routine enquiries. In a nut shell, happiness is describe to diverse from viewpoint of different level of people.

In proportion from the article, it is suggesting that pleasure is achievable after the objectives are being fulfilled and all the happiness acquired is all equal. Thus, people with knowledge and experience are much happier than one who has nothing in life.