probably most of you who are reading this particular entry already knew who
Adolf Hitler was, aren you not? Regardless whether you already knew him or not,
i will just give some brief background explaination on this remarkable Adolf
Hitler guy. He was born on 20th April 1889 at Braunau am Inn, Austria, Hungry and
died on 30 April 1945 (aged 56) in Germany. The cause of his death was suicide.
He shot himself with his 7.65 mm Walther PPK pistol (cited from
because he was defeated and the Soviet troops were coming after him. He was a politician and the leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party (German:Nationalsozialistische
Deutsche Arbeiterpartei(NSDAP), commonly referred to
as the Nazi Party). He was also a chancellor of Germany from
1933 to 1945, and dictator of Nazi Germany (as Führer und
Reichskanzler) from 1934 to 1945.
In this particular article – The Jews and Their Decents, Hitler
tried to explain the deception, manipulation and fraud of the Jews in order to
reestablish trust among the public and politician. They (the Jews) came up with
the propaganda that every religions has their right to live among the society
and not even one deserved to be exterminated or being cease to exist from the
face of the earth. As we all well known, Jews are good in manipulating, deceive
and frauding us. This can simply be seen when we are using the US dolar instead
of gold dinar to buy oil or anything else on the global market. The gold dinar
actually has been publicized since 1996, and to be much more precise it is been
introduced on the year 2000 by Saddam Hussein and then Muammar Gaddafi
continued the idea of introducing the gold dinar – a true sharing of the wealth
instead of US dolar that can be created (printed) over and over again and being
at risk of depreciation.
In my opinion, the Jews have fooled people around the globe far too long. In respond to the Jews action, few man stood up against the Jews and they are Saddam Hussein of Iraq and Muammar Gaddafi of Libya by introducing Euros currency and the gold dinar. However, these distinguished leader that intended to make a revolution move by repricing their oil in the global market and accept gold dinar as a currency instead of US dolar is not welcome by the people who is in charge and responsible of world central bank because the world central bank are using US dollars as currency and the world central bank are also being controlled by the Jews. This is a prove whereby the Jews have actually achieved high status in the government and finally able to control the administration by themselves, as stated by Hitler in his article, “The Jews and Their Decents”. Thus, making this a threat to the Jews and the Jews are taking action by putting Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi into an immediate dismissal from their throne by the means of killing them. The Jews also do not want to change the currency in global market into gold dinar are also because it will bring serious consequences to the world financial system which will then put them (the Jews) no longer in power of the global market
Therefore, it is not surprising why Hitler are having so
much hatred towards the Jews. No wonder he uses brutality to wipe out the Jews.
The article are also suitable for public so that the public would know the Jew’s
appaling sides. The public will realize how the Jews have manipulated their mind,
to believe the Jew’s every lies. In a nut shell, what Hitler has done towards
the Jews previously are compatible to what the Jew’s have done in the past,
present and in the coming future.